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Automatic Air Conditioning, Heating & Plumbing Blog

Schedule Your Plumbing Needs With Our Team

We’ve been in business for a long time and that means we’ve seen our fair share of bizarre DIY plumbing solutions. While sometimes we encounter things that just make us want to applaud peoples’ creativity, more often we are left with the need to remind people that just because you can DIY doesn’t always mean you should.

When it comes to home remodeling plumbing in Germantown, TN and other plumbing services, it’s best to talk to a professional on our team.

When To Work With a Professional Plumber

There is actually a lot that goes into keeping your plumbing working correctly. That’s why it’s best to talk to a professional plumber for your plumbing work. We can help with upgrades, repairs, and more. Here are some key examples of times when it’s a good idea to reach out to us for expert service.

You want to upgrade your plumbing appliances.

In most cases, a remodel that includes your bathroom will involve updating your appliances. We can help you select faucet heads, sinks, shower heads, and other appliances that work with your new home style, your budget, and the environment.

You are trying to add a bathroom.

Remodeling can often include adding or taking away rooms. You may be in that first category because you’ve realized that you need at least one more bathroom in your home to keep things running smoothly. This is something that absolutely requires the aid of an expert plumber. Depending on what is included in the bathroom, you may need major plumbing appliances installed, pipes added, and even need to consider the tilt of your new tub. All of this and more are things our plumbers are trained to handle.

You need to move your toilet.

One very common change people make when updating a bathroom during a remodel is moving the toilet. You may not know it but there is a lot that can go wrong when someone tries to do this. Rather than risking having a leaky or inoperable toilet, come to us to get your toilet moved, reinstalled, sealed, and running.

You need to upgrade your pipes.

How old are the pipes in your home? If you have pipes that are over 50 years old, they’re going to be more at risk of leaks or breaks. If you’re remodeling your home, it actually offers a great chance to replace older pipes or repair leaking ones. What better time to work on your home’s pipes than when you’re already punching holes in walls and tearing up flooring? We’ll get your pipes upgraded in a timely manner to keep your remodel or other home projects on track.

Don’t let your home plumbing become a plumber’s horror story. Avoid the hassle and get the job done right by working with trained and certified plumbers who will ensure your job is done right.

Since 1943, it’s been Automatic in Memphis! Contact the plumbers at Automatic Air Conditioning, Heating & Plumbing to get started.

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