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Automatic Air Conditioning, Heating & Plumbing Blog

Remodeling? Get Those Pipes Remodeled Too!


Home remodeling can be a daunting task, but it’s also the best opportunity you’ll have to inject some new life into your home at the same time. When you think of remodeling your home kitchen or bathroom, there’s one part that gets overlooked: the plumbing.

With a plumbing remodel in Germantown, TN, you need to think about  the right pipe remodel, too. Sure, it’s not the most glamorous thing to think about, but your plumbing is doing all the hard work behind the new pretty cabinetry and wall colors. Let’s talk about why you should remodel your pipes as well.

You Don’t Know What’s in Your Walls Right Now

Your home could have old galvanized steel pipes. These pipes can not only contribute to lower water pressure over time, but they can carry significant health risks. As these pipes break down, rust and lead can be introduced into your water.

This is why they’re often swapped out for copper pipes, which are effective for hot and cold water lines, but also have a natural anti-microbial quality to them. If you don’t know what’s carrying water throughout your home right now, you’re due for a pipe upgrade.

Pipe Remodels Means New Fixtures

Did you know you can save water just by choosing more water-efficient fixtures for your faucet? These not only help control the flow of water so you aren’t wasting it but actually help you save money on your water bill at the same time.

The goal of remodeled pipes is that they’re good to go for the foreseeable years to come, but since you don’t do this often, you’d might as well make sure the fixtures are helping you save water at the same time.

Increase Home Value

Do you know what drives down the price of a home? Finding out it’s fitted with a ton of galvanized steel piping. If you don’t know what your pipes are made of, they could bring your home’s value down. Here’s the kicker–even if the pipe material is good, it can still drive the price down if it’s decades old.

You might sell this home in five years. Who knows what the future holds? But when you do, you’ll disclose the information about your pipes, and newer pipes help your home stand out on the market. It shows deep care about the property, too.

While it may not be the most common reason you upgrade your pipes, it’s still a contributing factor that you should keep in mind.

It’s Not the Most Fun, But It’s Necessary

While remodeling your pipes doesn’t sound like the most exciting idea, it has its benefits. It impacts your plumbing in a major way and helps you keep the faucets pouring. Upgrading your old pipes or even moving their location can help a bathroom or kitchen remodel work, all while knowing that the piping in those spaces doesn’t have to be touched for decades to come.

Contact Automatic Air Conditioning, Heating & Plumbing today to schedule your next pipe remodeling. Slogan: Since 1943, it’s been Automatic in Memphis!

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